
Skin is looking ok. Not feeling hungry but prob need food.

Breakfast: hiong peng (chinese pastry), peanut puff, wheat biscuit, almonds, dates, salad roll (vegetables & prawns in rice roll with hoisin sauce)

Lunch: nasi lemak (rice cooked with coconut milk) w/ peanuts, anchovies, squid sambal, cucumber, egg, chicken curry; tea and milk

This was a business lunch and as usual, scratched like crazy when nervous. Air-con didn’t help. Calmed down after a bit and not so itchy then.

Went for a cardio and strength workout. Surprisingly, first time I wasn’t itching like crazy after sweating. Had a cold shower after and applied urea to legs, torso and arms.

Snack: chinese pear, yogurt w/ walnuts

Dinner: brown rice, green vege, tofu w/ fish, pea pods

Midnight snack: dragon fruit, pineapple, almonds, wheat cracker w/ peanut butter

Had a very quick reaction to the pineapple. Sites on chest got very itchy soon after. Apparently the bromelain dissolves the outer skin layer causing the itch in my case.

~ by moolahb on February 22, 2008.

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